Click below to start or update your regular giving via credit, debit or Apple or Google Pay.


Note: Recurring giving is not available via Apple or Google Pay. Should you need assistance cancelling a recurring payment, please contact us via the Contact Page.

Via Bank Transfer.

Once off or scheduled regular donations can be done directly to the following account details.
Account Name: C3 Church Melbourne North
BSB: 063010
Account Number: 13403270
Description: Offering (if possible)

When giving with a credit card, please give within your means. Giving to C3 Church Melbourne North is NOT tax deductible. 

New to giving at church?

When you first come to church you may hear different words like "offering", "tithe" or "collection" and be unsure as what they mean. In order to help, you can download the Guide to Giving + Generosity in Church document, and as always, if you have questions speak to our pastors anytime.

Guide to Giving + Generosity

Questions about giving.

Here are some answers to common questions about giving

No! You will never be required to give money to come to our church. That said, most people who call our church home give faithfully and regularly according to the choice of their hearts.

As a small church, nearly all the money we receive is generously donated by the people you see on a Sunday (and some you might not see). We believe this is the model reflected in the Bible: 

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians Chapter 9, Verse 7 to 8


Most of the donations contribute to the operational costs of running our church, including venue hire, insurance, equipment etc. or to salaries for our part-time pastors. Any surplus is saved for a more permanent building arrangement or community outreach support. All of which is reported each year to the ACNC and is publically available. 

No. In Australia, most Church operations do not qualify for a deductible gift recipient status (DGR).